All Nouvel students attend Mass once a week. The Holy Eucharist sustains and inspires teachers, students and staff as they work to achieve excellence in the classroom and live as disciples of Jesus.
A generous tuition assistance model is in place at Nouvel Catholic Central, as well as various scholarships, for eligible students. Visit our Scholarships & Tuition Assistance page to learn more about our opportunities.
School year office hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Summer office hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., closed Fridays.
The office is closed on major holidays
Bus transportation is limited for students and student-athletes to attend off-campus events, depending on location.
Nouvel has an established dress code. This information can be found on the website and within the Parent/Student Handbook.
For the safety and security of our students, Nouvel has a closed campus. The school offers a full-service cafeteria. Students may bring a lunch from home, however, delivery of outside food is not permitted.
Teachers may be contacted by note, phone message or email. A listing can be found on our NCCHS/JH Faculty page.
Report cards are issued twice a year. Grades can be monitored by parents and students, at any time, via the Skyward system.
Parents are expected to call the attendance office by 9 a.m. on the day of an absence. This ensures the school knows the student is safe and accounted for. When the student returns to school, he or she will need a note from a parent or guardian to document the absence.
The parent or guardian should send a written, signed note to the attendance office before the start of school on the day of the appointment. The student will be given a permission form to be released from class. The student will sign out in the attendance office, indicating the time he or she is leaving the building. If a student comes back the same day, he or she should sign back in at the attendance office.
Parents can pick their student up and drop them off at the sidewalk leading to the attendance/athletic office, located in the rear of the school building across from the athletic complex ticket booth.
Transcripts can be requested through Parchment. Parchment can be accessed here: Transcript Request. Legacy school records are maintained at the Diocese of Saginaw and can be requested through the Office of Education by calling 989-797-6651.