Nouvel Blue:
CMYK = 100-83-13-2
RGB = 0-69-144
HSL = 211-100-28
# = 004590
Nouvel Silver:
CMYK = 0-0-0-25
RGB = 191-191-191
HSL = 0-0-75
Nouvel Catholic Central updated its branding guidelines and freshened its various logos. Please refer to this guide when using Nouvel Catholic Central Schools logos and athletic mascots. Examples are also provided for Spirit Wear, and can be purchased through our partnership with Saginaw Knitting Mills/Main St. Gifts.
If you want to utilize any of the logo files found below, or are in need of guidance about how to adhere to our brand guidelines, please complete a Logo File Request Form. You'll then be contacted by our marketing director and provided access to logo files. If you need guidance on which file types to request, please refer to this document, File Format Uses.