Hello Panther Families!
The Home and School Association (HSA) is our parent/teacher organization at NCCE. We sponsor, plan, coordinate, and support activities and events such as teacher appreciation, PantherFest, Discovery Day, and so much more. None of our activities or events would be possible without your help. Volunteering is a great way to be involved with our students and meet other parents. Below is a list of volunteer opportunities and committees. We would love for you to consider joining one or more of the following that you would be available to assist with in your spare time. Thank you for all you do to make these positive school experiences possible!
HSA MEETINGS ARE HELD MONTHLY: These meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Monday of every month. We would love for you to attend! Stay up to date with what we are working on and share your ideas and suggestions with us. It is open to everyone so if you find yourself able to attend, please don’t hesitate to stop in and say hello! Please watch the daily announcements for times & locations.
If you have any questions or want to know more. Please contact one of our HSA officers.
President: Tina Bell
Co-Vice Presidents: Rebecca Hollandsworth & Kate Thiel
Treasurer: Bethany Warezak
Secretary: Kelsey Lucas
Email: NCCEhomeandschool@gmail.com